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Posted by Tinkell


Aug. 3, 2021, 8:26 a.m. 588 0 Comments Facebook Twitter 0 Likes


Today, it is extremely difficult to stay balanced and calm. We are living in a time where we are unaware of what tomorrow brings. What if life on the streets is shut down again and we are left by ourselves with our thoughts at home alone? Sometimes, it is exactly this loneliness, excessive thinking and focusing on situations which is sufficient for the emergence of unwanted anxiety or stress.

In most cases, we are barely aware about how we provoke anxiety, even stress. Sometimes, a person is so that very much submerged into a given problem, activity, work or lack of work, that he embarks on an incessant thinking concentrated only and exclusively on the problem. In this way, and without being able to find a solution, the person clenches to the problem, finds it difficult to fall asleep, or witnesses light and unrestful sleep, sweating, headache, etc., all these in result of ceaseless tension. This type of anxiety has been caused by ourselves. So, please stop the incessant thinking.

More and more people feel always anxious, uncertain and even depressed, and the reason behind this annoying mental status often is namely the cumulation of large quantities of stress. Avoid negative thinking, focus your attention to the positive, leave the problem aside. There are cases in which a person, although having no problems, is constantly exposed to other problems shared by others or friends. Thus, the problems stick into the person’s consciousness and quickly reflect into his body. One should learn how to control one’s mind; it is impossible to shut down the world and start watching or thinking nothing. Nevertheless, one should try to avoid falling into deep thoughts or sticking to a problem which may cause fear, leading to stress or panic attacks.



Generally speaking, your body and psyche are affected even by the fact that there are problems around you, although you may not be a direct participant in the situation. This however leads to the crisis functioning of the body and soul, being interconnected. Following this way of non-important but persistent thoughts may result in anxiety, stress, panic attacks and sometimes burnout, and all this impacts your body in an unfavorable way. Cumulative stress may unlock or lead to a number of bodily diseases.

What is a Burnout syndrome? This is the syndrome of the intensive work process and the state of the chronic work process. The Burnout syndrome causes psychological, emotional and physical exhaustion. Its effects are transferred to the personal life and are associated with insomnia, bile, frequent or incessant headache, panic attacks. It exerts enormous impact on the body and may cause cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The Burnout syndrome does not appear all of a sudden. The person’s body starts his reactions gradually by sending signals. Thus, burnout is measured by establishing specific symptoms in 3 fields:


  1. Emotional exhaustion

Your body and mind feel overburdened even after you have taken a holiday.

Your morning thoughts about work have penetrated into your mind to such an extent that they fill in your thoughts entirely and push aside all the rest. (It is about the stress related to completing the work process).

Symptoms – chronic fatigue, exhaustion, forgetfulness, weakening of the immune system and frequent illness, weight loss, anxiety, depression, anger

  1. Feelings of alienation related to the surrounding world


Loss of interest in pleasure – initially you may feel losing interest in pleasure from work, and at a later stage, this may encompass every aspect of your life. You may withdraw from friends and family; the fatigue may suppress your feelings, and you may start fooling yourself that you feel good all by yourself.

Pessimism, Isolation, Alienation

  1. You push yourself to work more and more but always have the feeling that there is a thing you are doing wrong; there exists the subconscious feeling of low personal efficiency.

Symptomshelplessness, reduced efficiency, increased anxiety

The burnout represents a syndrome, which is fed by the energy of thinking, diligence and enthusiasm; it is capable of transforming strong working and independent people into psychologically unstable and unbalanced individuals.

How to cope with stress, panic attacks and Burnout

There is no age limit for cumulative stress, panic attacks and burnout. Regardless of whether you are 20 or 40, you can still feel the ill disposition and the symptoms. Do not demand all at once. Rather, solve your problems step by step. Do your work without challenging the limits of your abilities expecting that everything will happen at once. This is a mistake which can scale tension and cause adverse symptoms.

Make yourself a work process plan, as you stick strictly to observing your resting schedule. Do not ignore this. You may not feel its need at a given point but your brain and body do need small break point in between your daily work duties.

Find yourself a hobby outside your workplace. Practice sports, arts, walks in nature. Allow your brain and body to think of nothing so that to attain real rest.

Do not isolate yourself by pretending you are having rest. In this way, the chronic fatigue will make you feel depressed. In the states of anxiety and stress it is not exactly you who is managing your brain, which requires active attitude.

If lying in bed after work, this will increase your fatigue and you will once again feel weary, tired and inefficient. Be active to go out with family and friends, have fun and fill in your brain with positive thoughts and activity, with which you can destroy the stress root which has inhabited you as a good host. As a rule, never talk business!




Say NO to work after the end of your workday! If you want to be productive, mentally healthy and stable, avoid working overtime. Put your health on the first place, arrange your priorities and divide your work day properly. If necessary, you may even slow down work speed and do not forget – only the healthy person can work!

Be positive! Do not allow bad or persistent thoughts interfere with your happiness! Avoid people who speak excessively about their problems. Remember that you are in difficult times and this may impact you badly.

Good sleep equals health. You may set up a sleeping regime if you have to, so that to allow your body to adapt. This will support your healthier sleep if you are facing sleeping problems.

Food – never miss your eating schedule since stress relies on a weak body. From here the body itself becomes inclined to all sorts of infections and disease.

In case you are encompassed by non-stop anxiety, headache and frequent panic attacks, do look for a specialist who can give a helping hand.

Take good care of your health and mental status! Do not allow stress to lead your life since the consequences may be devastating. Pay attention from the very beginning and set aside some time for yourself. The stress, panic attacks and Burnout do not go away alone. You need essential transformation in your life which you can attain with gradual small changes and improvements of your lifestyle.

That way, you will not even notice how much different you have become all of a sudden. These small changes which you can introduce now will let you stay calm, balanced, healthy and happier in the future. After all, do not forget that you aspire to a healthy and happy life!


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